We have achieved reliable and stable wireless energy transfer using metamaterials with extreme properties. Our novel approach employs epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) and epsilon-and-mu-near-zero (EMNZ) metamaterials, ensuring energy transmission only between compatible transmitters and receivers. This system provides protection against surrounding objects without impacting operation or causing harm. The technology is scalable and adaptable to various frequency bands, making it ideal for high-power applications like electric vehicles.

In the field of wireless communications and wireless power transfer (WPT), extracting electromagnetic energy from external radiation is essential. To optimize power transfer, we propose coherently enhanced WPT. By exciting the waveguide connected to the antenna load with a specific amplitude and phase, we create an interference pattern that modifies the local wave impedance. This enables conjugate matching and significantly boosts the amount of extracted energy. We validate this concept through theoretical modeling, full-wave simulations, and experimental verification in near-field and far-field scenarios.
Decades-old methods for wireless power transfer sacrifice efficiency for stability. However, recent advances in electromagnetic field control enable advanced wireless power transfer. We review novel techniques including coherent perfect absorption, parity-time symmetry, exceptional points, on-site power generation, metamaterials, metasurfaces, and acoustic power transfer. Future development possibilities are also highlighted.